Monday, July 2, 2007


So here we are in Пловдивm, България. Confused? Well so were we after we ended our 7 hour bus ride out of Turkey and across the border in to what the Turks delightfully call Bulgaristan. We decided to skip the capital and make our first stop Bulgaria's (България) second city - Пловдив (Plovdiv), descibed by the guidebook at "The Plov".

Our first challenge was the fact that our map used the more traditional roman alphabet while the street signs used the cryllic alphabet (which apparently originatd here in Bulgaria, not Russia) and I had only managed to memorise half the alphabet by the time we arrived. Our second challenge was that the guidebook has decided to randomly pick and choose which streets it places on the map. But after a protacted experince of Paul telling me what street he thought we should be in and me trying to determine if the cyrillic on the street sign matched his info, we found our homestay and started the Plovdiv experience.

We walked into town and after a short stroll past some of the many ruins (Plovdiv boasts that it is one of the oldest cities, older than Rome and a contemporary of Troy) we settled down for our first meal of grilled meat. And it was sumptuous. We had aimed to make a good impact on trying the local alcohol, but after two varieties each in servings no smaller than 500ml, when confronted with the prospect of the local brandy Paul may have been heard to say..."ahh I really wanted to taste brandy from....ahh..ahh...what country are we in?" So we'll leave the brandy (rekia) for tonight...

It is worth noting that:

1. we seem to be in a town that is simulataneously handbag heaven and the land of the $3-actually-good-cocktail; and
2 while we may have missed Nicola and Sarouche's 80s party on Saturday night, Bulgaria keeps its own, more permanent, window to the past open in the form of crimped hair (very much the rage) and tiny denim numbers - in fact, (says Paul) it's almost like having Nicola here with us.

[Suggested caption: "The fact that this pizza has mayonnaise on it is sufficiently funny not to require further comment"]


99 said...

Hey you two,

Sounds like you are having a great time. Wish I was there too, eating and being scrubbed; rather than sitting here, you know... regulating.

Eat all the heavy spiced things and the grilled meats from as many poor countries as you like darlings; and drink as much homebrew/moonshine as you can! Because I have just the thing for you when to get home: The "Skinny Bitch" diet is like so hot right now. It's full of 'no-shit Sherlock" home truths, so a bit like 'He's just not that into you', but for fat chicks who can't seem to understand that eating fried chicken turns your thighs into huge drumsticks. It also has great lines like "if you don't eat organic - you are a cheap arsehole" and the super-muffin-top mummie Posh has been spotted buying the diet book so that's a sign that all women should be on it - doh! LURVE IT

Anyway, better get back to ... you know... regulating...

Have a great trip and KEEP SAFE.

Skinny hugs and kisses,


Josh said...

Hi guys

Love the blog! Are we going to get to see some photos too?


The Paulisario Front said...

Hi Guys

I attempted to upload some photos tonight - but, here in Bulgaria it seems that the USB drive is not universal (ie computers do not have a usb drive), so until (and indeed, if) we get to a more developed country, you'll have to use your imaginations. Enjoy!